The Perfect System

The perfect system is stable, reliable, and does everything you need it to, while it feels amazing to use.

The Base System

Choose a Stable Release that won’t get many feature updates that change the experience, but gets security updates that makes it stable and secure.


  • RHEL 10-year Support (Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Require Subscription) -Free Variants (Rocky and Alma Linux)
  • Debian 5-year Support (Stable - Bookworm(06/2023) or Bullseye)
  • Ubuntu 5-year Support (Version 22 or 20)
  • OpenSUSE 6-year Support (Leap only)


Getting all your packages and updating them reliably can be a challenge. With LTS releases, you will always be installing old version of software, where something like Arch Linux or other rolling releases will have the latest and greatest. We can get around this with NixOS Packages and Flatpak. There are other all-in-one tools like AppImages or Snap packages, but I don’t find these to be any better than just using Nix or Flatpak.

The Look and Feel

Thay all look the same. Whatever you are on Debian, Ubuntu, Rocky, Fedora, OpenSuse, Arch. Trust me If thay dont look the same then Change it.