My Linux Life

What made me to try Linux?

Well I had single core PC with total of 8gb of ram and 1tb 7200rpm hdd, The problem with that pc that It had to always run at 100% cpu usage and 100% disk usage on idle on windows 10.

So How did I discover Linux?, Android x86

Android x86?, yeah Android x86, But how?

Well I was trying to find alternative Operating Systems for My Old PC, So I started downloading Android x86 based isos to My PC, none have got me 60fps in Pubg Mobile, yes this was my dream game back then.

One day when I was searching for Android 6, I had successfully Downloaded Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon and I have installed it too!

To my Surprise It worked really well at that time i had dead 500gb 5200rpm hdd, Like my dead hdd felt like new!, So after I discoverd that It was dead and crying for 1 day about it.

I have distended to give Windows 10 bootlegs a try Specifically the SuperLite ones, I gave Windows 10 ghost specter SuperLite a try, It have worked, then I got banned from Ghost specter Discord Server, so i have ditched it.

Then I have went for The World of PC, Xtream SUPER LITE, to my Surprise, IT didn’t WORK.

Then I tried to make my Own Windows 10 ISO, The World of PC thought that I stole his hard work aka isos and modded them so he banned me.

Rip Windows, Rip Android, What to try? LINUX!


So I was super Dumb in Linux, Like FOR REAL, Who would want to convert Linux mint to Ubuntu and pop os to Linux mint and pop os to ubuntu?

I ofc did, so I started making Github Projects that was like SteavenMint all It did is Removing Linux mint Mirrors and installing POP os mirrors, Then I made tons of People to install it f, I got tons of hate.

So after Trying Pop os and Ubuntu and Linux mint For months, I Was scared very scared of trying kde or any new package manager, I have always knew how to use apt, SO i wont try anything elses.

I ended up installing Arch wsl on Windows 10 SuperLite that I have made, and I have only learned sudo pacman -S packagename.

Then i have Installed Manjaro Kde for the first time, OMG MY PC become magically 20x faster, then it broke on updates…

So people have recommended me to try Fedora, at that time Fedora 34 I think was the latest?, So I have installed it and this was my Frist time using flatpak and I didn’t know that you can add more repos to dnf to expand it, then It have broke because I broke dnf.

So I wanted arch back it seemed better.

So this was the first time discovering Arch Linux with GUI Installer, Was good but I Have broke it on the First time

sudo pacman -S firefox, pls run sudo pacman -Sy,

sudo pacman -Sy
sudo pacman -S firefox

firefox failed to start because of missing lib file, I Have googled that using my Phone and I discoverd that I had to update a package, and I did, I shouldn’t have done that, It have broke cinnamon and pacman and the entire Distro.

Then days have came and moved and I haven’t found a fix for arch gui installer iso, I was still trying to install it every day, Till one day Arch GUI installer ISO got discontinued and dead BRUH.

at that time I Have got my First ever personal Laptop, HP 350 G1.

I have used it for maybe 2 months with Windows 11, 4 months with Windows 10, Then I said Its still too slow, So I Have Installed on it Linux Mint.

Well that laptop was overheating to 100c compared to windows at 50c, So I have discoverd auto-cpufreq, Fixed My Linux Mint overheating, All was good.

I said time to try new Distro so I have went with Pop os, Um Guys It didn’t work auto-cpufreq didnt work, Sound didn’t work, Wifi didn’t work, Bluetooth didn’t work, bruh!

So i have went to ubuntu, same issues as pop os, went back to Linux mint sound and bluetooth and wifi broke now on it, BRUH, Attest It was not overheating.

SO then I tried EndeavourOS, oh my god, The best ever Arch based distro, thanks to Asterisk my Friend on discord, He recommended me it, Everything was working Because do you know what?, Bluetooth had dkms in aur and it was working, Wifi had fix in arch wiki same as sound and overheating, I didn’t even need auto-cpufreq any more, It was even slowing down my laptop.


Then I have got my gaming laptop, OMG FOR REAL IT CAME WITH UBUNTU 20.04 PREINSTALLED FROM DELL OEM, I was so happy, so sad that i have discoverd that it doesn’t come with working nvidia drivers out of the box.

So i have started to try on it Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, Every single Posable Linux distro.

I learned every single tiny bit of Nvidia in linux.

Then i have discoverd Window managers, I Wanted at First i3, Then hyprland (2022), Hyprland had my nvidia gpu not working, SO I Sticked to I3, and IT still works, i DID STILL reinstall a lot, But I did that so i can learn how to use nvidia Specifically optimus on linux.

Now i am using Arch Linux with I3 On my Gaming Laptop and Debian 12 on My hp Laptop as Nextcloud Server.