How to install Cemu on Linux

So to Install Cemu on Linux thair is A lot of ways


Currently The only way to get Cemu working on wayland is by using Cemu Experimental App Image

App Image


and download lastest Cemu Experimental

in this case its Cemu 2.0-36 (Experimental)

so you download the app image

in this case its Cemu-2.0-36-x86_64.AppImage

now you cd to Downloads or whare you downloaded it

then run chmod +x ./Cemu-X.AppImage

in this case

chmod +x ./Cemu-2.0-36-x86_64.AppImage


Note: Dosnt Support Wayland Currntly

Setup Flatpak on your Distro and Run

flatpak install flathub info.cemu.Cemu

Quick Setup

Click Download Community Grahpic Packs

thay are required to fix crashing and improve the game

Getting Games

Search for the game that you want in

then Download the Rom and Update And DLC

then unzip them

Open Cemu and click Install then chose the rom follder then do that for update and dlc